Management System Consulting

Collaborate with us and maintain any ISO standard with our ISO compliance tool

Certified Management System


Certification is the first step in the journey of the Certified Management System. However, the organisations must focus on the continual improvement of the certified management system’s suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. At Tofrum, we assist our customers by implementing effective self-monitoring through an Internal Audit program, Objectives, and Management review as per the applicable standards and requirements.

As a result, our customers not only maintain the certification but also improve productivity, efficiency and minimize complaints and problems both internal and external.


New Certification

The ISO family of standards and certifications represents a model and systematic framework for organisations to adapt for best practices. The Tofrum team handholds your company; helps them navigate through this journey to ensure that your company manages the business requirements within the framework of the applicable standards. 

It’s a 2-step process:

  • Step 1: The completion of the PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) cycle internally
  • Step 2: Audits with the selected certification body (external audit)

 The PDCA process involves:

  • Detailed customer consultation.
  • Identifying appropriate standards for certification.
  • Gap analysis on selected standards.
  • Documenting policies and procedures.
  • Assisting customers in implementing an established management system.
  • Reviewing implemented practices to ensuring effective implementation. 
  • Taking improvement actions for identified deficiencies.

As a result, an effective management system is in place to address the business requirements in compliance with applicable standards. 

Strategic Management System


Our Strategic Management Consulting vertical provides expert advice and guidance to the company’s leadership to enhance the overall business performance. The interventions include analysing the business, identifying the gaps, and creating a customized business strategy. Mentoring and coaching are a crucial part of our deliverable as we also help strengthen the team involved. Our Consulting team are subject matter experts and have supported clients across the globe to build and improve their business strategy across 

  • Supply Chain and Procurement Strategy 
  • Outsourcing Strategy 
  • Sales Strategy
  • HR Strategy 
  • Technology and Operations Strategy

As a result, the practices are aligned to the senior management vision and strategic direction.


Project Management

Project management primarily focuses on planning and organizing a project and its resources, including identifying and managing the lifecycle, integrating with the user-centered design process, and efficiently guiding the team through all phases until the project is complete. 

At Tofrum, our Project Managers collaborate effectively with the Management and the team to deliver projects on time and within budget.

As a result, your projects are completed on time successfully and securely.

Internal Audit


Auditors, coming from a wide experience in the areas of auditing as well as a good understanding of the applicable standards, offer valuable input on areas of concern for effective improvements.

In addition, we offer tools to manage the systems making the audit process smooth and efficient with all information just clicks away.


Supplier Audit

The Tofrum team also specializes in conducting independent or 3rd party audits on customers’ suppliers. Our focus is to identify risks and opportunities for initial supplier selection and approval, an ongoing supplier assessment program, and build an effective supply chain for the operation. Supplier audits are incredibly critical to ensure continuity of the supply chain management. 

What sets the Tofrum team apart is the extensive industry experience, business acumen and knowledge of various ISO frameworks in analysing and reporting on the audits for continual improvement of the supply chain.

As a result, cost-effective and efficient supply chains are created to support the business processes.


Tofrum is a product, consulting and services company. Tofrum product is a SaaS platform that utilizes existing frameworks and guidelines i.e., ISO 31000:2018, for risk management. The platform is highly configurable to suit any industry and organization. The essential advantage of using the platform is simplifying the compliance process, saving time and cost for building an efficient and effective management system.

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