Record Management

Records management module provides a file structure in a hierarchical manner with controls applicable at higher level applied to sub folders and files. This applies to the records that are not covered in other systems already. The purpose of this module is to ensure one stop for all management system documents and records. This includes the storage, ready retrieval and disposition of such records at the expiry of retention period.


We deliver value to our clients.

We have assisted several organizations by reviewing security controls effectiveness based on standards IRAP, ISO 27001.

We have assisted organizations with technical vulnerability management services and integrated results in their risk management framework for risk analysis and risk acceptance.

We have used a defined methodology and ISO31000 risk management framework and managed organizational risks.

We have conducted Black box, Grey box penetration testing to provide assurances about their IT systems with results integrated into their risk management framework.

Invest in management tools to bring efficiency by proper governance, adhere to compliance & mitigate risks, it doesn't matter which business you are in.


Tofrum is a product, consulting and services company. Tofrum product is a SaaS platform that utilizes existing frameworks and guidelines i.e., ISO 31000:2018, for risk management. The platform is highly configurable to suit any industry and organization. The essential advantage of using the platform is simplifying the compliance process, saving time and cost for building an efficient and effective management system.

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